Sažetak | Temelj za sigurnu i efikasnu plovidbu svakog broda je učinkovita komunikacija. Nakon havarije Titanika 1912. godine, donesena je i konvencija način reguliranja sigurnosti ţivota na moru, a usvojena je dvije godine nakon nesreće. Prema SOLAS konvenciji brodovi u međunarodnoj plovidbi moraju zadovoljavati međunarodna mjerila sigurnosti plovidbe. Druga skupina su brodovi u nacionalnoj plovidbi koji ne podlijeţu obvezama SOLAS konvencije, već nacionalnim propisima. Razvojem pomorstva i povećanjem brodova i njihovih dimenzija tokom godina, uvjetovalo je razvoj novog komunikacijskog sustava, GMDSS-a. Osnovna uloga mu je osigurati pouzdane komunikacije u postupcima sprječavanja nezgoda na moru, odnosno spašavanja ljudi. Teoretskim dijelom rada bavi se komunikacijom na srednjim i visokim frekvencijama, koristeći DSC uređaj, radiotelefon i radioteleks. Praktični dio prikazuje SOLAS motorni brod Hellas Fighter u svim područjima plovidbe. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The foundation for safe and efficient navigation of each vessel is effective communication. After the Titanic accident in 1912., a convention was passed to regulate the safety of life at sea, and was adopted two years after the accident. According to the SOLAS Convention, vessels in international navigation must comply with international standards of navigation safety. The second group is vessels in national navigation that are not subject to the obligations of the SOLAS Convention, but to national regulations. The development of maritime affairs, and the increase in vessels and their dimensions over the years, have led to the development of a new communications system, the GMDSS. Its primary role is to ensure reliable communications in the process of preventing accidents at sea, ie rescuing people. The theoretical part of the final thesis deals with medium and high frequency communication, using DSC device, radiotelephone and a radiotelex. The practical part shows the SOLAS motor vessel Hellas Fighter in all areas of navigation.The foundation for safe and efficient navigation of each vessel is effective communication. After the Titanic accident in 1912., a convention was passed to regulate the safety of life at sea, and was adopted two years after the accident. According to the SOLAS Convention, vessels in international navigation must comply with international standards of navigation safety. The second group is vessels in national navigation that are not subject to the obligations of the SOLAS Convention, but to national regulations. The development of maritime affairs, and the increase in vessels and their dimensions over the years, have led to the development of a new communications system, the GMDSS. Its primary role is to ensure reliable communications in the process of preventing accidents at sea, ie rescuing people. The theoretical part of the final thesis deals with medium and high frequency communication, using DSC device, radiotelephone and a radiotelex. The practical part shows the SOLAS motor vessel Hellas Fighter in all areas of navigation. |