Abstract | Neprestani razvoj suvremene tehnologije utjecao je da brodsko topništvo postane jedan od najsposobnijih vojno-razaračkih sustava. ''Najsposobniji'', jer se ovom vrstom oružja s manje resursa ostvaruju veći rezultati, drugim riječima traži se učinkovitost ili djelotvornost topništva. Resursi u ovom slučaju poprimaju oblik projektila, a rezultati se očituju u ponajprije pogođenim, a onda i u uništenim objektima. Kako bi se u potpunosti razumjela teorija funkcionalnosti brodskog topništva, najvažnije je raspoznati kakvu ulogu ima balistika, moderna znanost koja se može podijeliti na unutarnju, vanjsku i balistiku na cilju. Kad se detaljno prouči balistika, predstoji još samo spoznati kako radi računalo, na koji način prima sve te podatke o različitim utjecajima, odnosno kako dolazi do izračuna različitih vrijednosti koje bi naposljetku trebali dati pravilnu putanju projektila koja će uspješno pogoditi svoj cilj. Ovakav način funkcioniranja sustava spada pod automatsko pucanje, jer računalo daje izračune ali i ima svoje senzore koji za njega traže ciljeve i kasnije ga prate. S druge strane, postoji i sfera manualnog pucanja gdje presudnu ulogu ima topnik. Da se ne bi pogrešno shvatilo, i u automatskom pucanju presudnu ulogu ima čovjek, ali u takvom načinu rada, treba samo pritisnuti gumb za pucanje, dok kod manualnog pucanja na temelju svog iskustva, uvjeta i obučenosti, upravlja s cijevi topa i postavlja cijev topa kako on želi i zahtijeva. Na pragu ovih svojstava, napravljen je model koji dosljedno predstavlja realni sustav. |
Abstract (english) | The continuous development of modern technology puts the ship's artillery in position as one of the most capable military-destructive systems. In the sense of ''most capable'' is considered a type of weapon that will achieve the best possible results with as few resources as possible, in other words the efficiency or effectiveness of artillery is sought. In this case, the resources take the form of a projectile, and the results are evident in the objects that were first hit and then destroyed. In order to fully understand the theory of the functionality of naval artillery, it is important to recognize the role of ballistics, a modern science that can be divided into internal, external and objective ballistics. After studying the ballistics in detail, what is left is only to figure out how the computer works, how it receives all this information about various impacts, and how it gives different calculating values that should ultimately give the correct trajectory of a projectile that will successfully hit its target. This is how the system works in automatic shooting, and it is considered as automatic because computer provides calculations and also use his own sensors to search targets and after to monitor it. On the other hand, there is also a sphere of manual firing where the gunner takes the lead. Lest it be misunderstood, and in automatic firing the man takes the lead, but in this mode he only has to press the firing button, while in manual firing, he manages with the cannon barrel and sets it up as he wants and demands based on his experience, conditions and training. At the threshold of these features, a model has been made that consistently represents the real system. |