Abstract | Plovni objekt jest pomorski objekt, namijenjen za plovidbu morem, a može biti brod, ratni brod, podmornica, jahta ili brodica. Brod je plovni objekt, čija je duljina veća od 15 metara, ili je ovlašten prevoziti više od 12 putnika. Može se podijeliti na putnički, teretni, tehnički plovni objekt, ribarski, javni ili znanstvenoistraživački. Lučka kapetanija vodi upisnik brodova. Upisi u upisnik brodova obavljaju se na temelju rješenja nadležne lučke kapetanije. Od 1. siječnja 2020. godine postoji isključivo Jedinstveni upisnik brodova. Prema Pomorskom zakoniku vrste upisa brodova su: prvi upis u upisnik brodova, upis u list A, uknjižba, predbilježba, zabilježba, prijenos upisa broda, brisanje broda te ponovni upis broda. Kada brod odgovara uvjetima propisanim zakonom i Tehničkim pravilima Hrvatskog registra brodova tada je sposoban za plovidbu u određenim granicama plovidbe i za određenu namjenu. Brodske isprave i knjige sadrže podatke o važnijim događanjima i obavljenim radnjama na brodu, moraju se nalaziti na brodu, a na zahtjev nadležnih tijela u svrhu provjere trebaju uvijek biti dostupne. Brodske isprave dijele se u dvije skupine - brodske isprave o identitetu broda i brodske isprave o sposobnosti broda za plovidbu. U radu se prikazuje pravni status plovnih objekata prema novim odredbama Pomorskog zakonika iz 2019. godine. |
Abstract (english) | A vessel is a maritime object, intended for navigation at sea, and can be a ship, a warship, a submarine, a yacht, or a boat. A ship is a vessel, the length of which is greater than 15 meters, or is authorized to carry more than 12 passengers. It can be divided into passenger, cargo, technical vessel, fishing vessel, public or scientific research vessel The Harbor Master's Office keeps a register of ships. Entries in the register of ships are made based on a decision of the competent Harbor Master's Office. From 1. January 2020. there is only the Unified Register of Ships. According to the Maritime Code, the types of registration of ships are first entry in the register of ships, entry in sheet A, registration, pre-registration, recording, transfer of registration of the ship, deletion of the ship, and re-registration of the ship. When a ship meets the conditions prescribed by law and Technical rules of the Croatian Register of Shipping, then it is capable of sailing within certain navigation limits and for a specific purpose. Ship's documents and books contain information on important events and actions performed on board, they must be on board, and at the request of the competent authorities for the purpose verification, they should always be available. Ship's documents are divided into two groups - ship's identity documents and ship's seaworthiness certificate. The paper presents the legal status of vessels according to the new provisions of the Maritime Code from 2019. |